As you become more familiar with my blogging style, you'll see that sometimes I will blog for no other reason than to get thoughts out of my head and this is one of those occasions. (Buckle your seatbelt and hang on!)
I must be getting old . . .
As much as I like to think that I'm "hip" and "with it", I must admit that I just don't understand young people today. Earlier today, I was on the bus running Saturday errands and I came across a situation where a girl looked like a boy and here male companion, well, looked like a girl. Back when I was their age (late teens) you were beginning to see long hair and "unisex" clothing . . . but, I kid you not, with these two it was really hard to tell. I hate to admit it . . . but it makes me yearn for the old days when the line between male and female - as far as hair styles and attire - wasn't quite so blurry.
Why do they need Blackberries?
What's up with that?
One last thing is pinging around in my head (at least for this blog) and that is how I could have worked for the City of East Point for 14+ years and never reached a managerial or supervisory position, but yet I've worked for the Red Cross for almost seven (7) months and already hold a managerial position? I'm not sure if I've mentioned this (in previous blogs) but I work in Staffing Services (part of Disaster Services Human Resources) at the Red Cross and am in charge of the Special Projects section. Mind you I'm not complaining . . . I'm just wondering how I can work under the same supervisor for seven of my fourteen (14) years at the COEP and she never saw my potential as a manager, but yet my supervisor at the Red Cross was able to see it after just seven months. As the young people would say, "What's up with that?"
Until next time . . .
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