Webster's on-line dictionary defines an angel as "A spiritual being that serves as a messenger from God or as a guardian of human beings". I agree completely, but I think some of them exist here on Earth in human form. Let me explain. Since elementary school I have been friends with a sweet lady by the name of Kathleen Collier (pictured at left with her husband Jeff). After we graduated from high school, we lost track of each other until we were reunited on Facebook. In September of this year, her and Jeff's world was flipped upside down after their daughter was involved in a near-fatal car accident. Thanks to a lot of prayers she survived and is well on her road to recovery. Here's the rub: while Kaitlin was hospitalized, Kat was laid off from her job for what her supervisors called "abandonment" (Don't get me started, I'll blow a gasket.)
Here's why I say Kat (as well as Jeff and Kaitlinn) are angels. As most of my regular readers know, my wife has diabetes and the combination of caring for her AND be a full-time student was taking a toll on me. I had the idea to ask Kat if she would help me care for my beloved wife. She accepted. Fast forward to about three weeks ago when I was prepping for my first ever colonoscopy. Kat said she, Jeff, and Kaitlin would come up that evening and keep us company. Based on what I had heard, I was dreading that night with a passion; thanks to the three of them (and the watch care of a loving Heavenly Father) it wasn't bad at all. The next day, after the colonoscopy was completed, they brought us home and said "We'll be back". When they came back they had bought us a 4' tall Christmas tree, lights and ornaments! I wanted to cry! It didn't end there . . . since they were going to spend the night and take care of MaryLou (who we've nicknamed the Princess) I offered to prepare supper for them. They wouldn't hear of it! They went to the store, bought the groceries, cooked supper, and cleaned up the kitchen.
See what I mean about angels in human form?
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