Press On (Selah)
From a blood-family standpoint, I have two-sisters - Darlene and Patricia - but I have at least nine who have "adopted" me as their brother. I know I am going to leave someone out, but here goes: Kat, Renay, Terri, Nancy, Carol, Page, Genora, Amy, and Beth. They check on me everyday, encourage me, and do anything a biological center would do . . . we're just not biologically related. The important part is that we love each just as if we were related by blood.
Over this past five months or so as I have suffered with sick sinus - a form of heart trouble - and eventually had to have a pacemaker implanted, I've learned that family isn't always related by blood. I say that because my biological family just did not seem to care. It was my friends that "circled the wagons" and visited MaryLou and I, prayed for us, and weren't too busy to check on me during that time and since I got home.

By now, I'm sure you're wondering what the link to the Selah video has to do with getting a pacemaker and adopted family. The connection is, during my illness and surgery, my adopted family taught me the importance of pressing on and being strong. Thank you family . . . I love you!