Press On (Selah)
From a blood-family standpoint, I have two-sisters - Darlene and Patricia - but I have at least nine who have "adopted" me as their brother. I know I am going to leave someone out, but here goes: Kat, Renay, Terri, Nancy, Carol, Page, Genora, Amy, and Beth. They check on me everyday, encourage me, and do anything a biological center would do . . . we're just not biologically related. The important part is that we love each just as if we were related by blood.
Over this past five months or so as I have suffered with sick sinus - a form of heart trouble - and eventually had to have a pacemaker implanted, I've learned that family isn't always related by blood. I say that because my biological family just did not seem to care. It was my friends that "circled the wagons" and visited MaryLou and I, prayed for us, and weren't too busy to check on me during that time and since I got home.

By now, I'm sure you're wondering what the link to the Selah video has to do with getting a pacemaker and adopted family. The connection is, during my illness and surgery, my adopted family taught me the importance of pressing on and being strong. Thank you family . . . I love you!
For about the last 1.5 hour I have been talking to my sister Darlene and she asked me to post our conversation here so the world will know I have a biological sister who does love me VERY MUCH! Here it is:
Me: If I tell you something, you promise not to cry?
Darlene: O boy..i dunno if i can promise that
Me: When I was SO sick and in the hospital, I was hurt because I didn't see you, Trish, or Tim. I thought you might not love me anymore.
Darlene: Shorty nothing can stop me from loving you...i mean nothing..your my brother and i do look up to you cause of all you have been thru never gave up ..when i lost Danny thats the one person that loved me unconditionally n would do anything for me...i didnt wanna go to tammys wedding cause it was suppose to be me n danny...i wantedto give up..i had my wreck i was saved...then i wrecked moms car..then my house caught on taught me to be strong...i love you so much and just cause i cant see you sometimes it doesnt mean i dont care...i was just as scaared as
you i couldnt handle seeing you that way..always know your in my heart 4ever..
Darlene: And glad i didnt promise cause yes im crying but plzz dont ever think i dont love you
Me: Thank you sister. I love you dearly, always have, and always will. That's why I decided to go ahead and tell you. Don't feel bad because I'm crying too . . . not because you made me sad, but because you made me SO happy!
Darlene: Well we are family and nothing changes that...always remember that just cause i dont or cant show up ..nothing is against you
My heart bleeds for your family (both natural and adopted). They love you so..never doubt them. Sometimes they will doubt themselves because it is so frustrating to want to do something for a loves one and have to realize there are only the basic physical needs you can handle when you want to fight the windmills, slay the dragon, or soothe the soul. Be aware Mr. Little, it is not their fault that they fall short. Nor, my love, is it yours. You have fought the valiant battle and you will continue to do do the rest of your life, as they will. They will always be there .. as much as they can let the that big heart of yours and let everyone who whole like to enter come in. I pray for you, I pray for your family and your extended family and I pray that you realize you don't have to fight your battles alone because you are truly loves.
Thank you Marilyn. After I talked to my biological sister that afternoon, I had a whole new perspective on the situation. Since that time, she and one of my adopted sisters have become "bestest" friends and are working together to figure out how to best help MaryLou and I.
Please keep praying, they are needed AND appreciated! ♥
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